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Crime rate in the Bahamas

Crime Rate in the Bahamas: An Overview

The Bahamas is a popular tourist destination, but the crime rate has risen alarmingly in recent years. In particular, the islands of New Providence (where Nassau is located) and Grand Bahama (with Freeport) have seen a significant increase in criminal activity.

Common Crimes

  • Violent Crimes: Armed robberies, burglaries, and homicides, often linked to gang activity, are unfortunately no longer uncommon.

  • Petty Crimes: Pickpocketing, fraud, and car break-ins also occur.

Reasons for the Increase in Crime

  • Gang Violence: Many crimes are committed by rival gangs.

  • Socioeconomic Problems: Poverty, unemployment, and social inequality contribute to crime.

  • Drug Trafficking: The drug trade is a major problem in the Bahamas and leads to violence.

Murder Rate in the Bahamas:

In 2023, a total of 110 murders were recorded in the Bahamas, a decrease compared to the 128 murders in 2022. This corresponds to an estimated murder rate of around 31 per 100,000 inhabitants. The murder rate in the Bahamas is a significant problem and has fluctuated over the years but remains generally high.

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Safety Tips for Travelers

  • Regional Differences: Crime rates vary from island to island and region to region. Please inform yourself about the current situation beforehand.

  • Caution at Night: Avoid walking alone in remote areas at night.

  • Secure Your Valuables: Keep your valuables safe and don't carry too much cash with you.

  • Public Transportation: Be vigilant on public transportation and keep an eye on your belongings.

  • Don't Trust Everyone: Don't trust everyone you meet on the street.

  • Insurance: Take out comprehensive travel insurance before your trip.

  • Stay Informed: Regularly check for updates on the current security situation and follow the travel advisories of your foreign ministry.

Which regions are particularly affected?

New Providence (Nassau): The capital, Nassau, is particularly affected by violent crime. Grand Bahama (Freeport): Crime is also a problem on Grand Bahama.

What to do in case of an incident?

Stay calm: Remain calm and try to de-escalate the situation. Call the police: Note the police phone number and report any incidents. Contact your embassy: Get in touch with the German embassy or consulate.


The Bahamas offer beautiful beaches and a relaxed atmosphere, but travelers should be aware of the increased crime rates. By following the precautions mentioned above, you can make your trip safer.

Important note: The security situation can change rapidly. Therefore, be sure to check the latest travel advisories issued by your government shortly before your trip.

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